Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Statement of Satisfactory Academic Progress

联邦政府要求beat365平台(JWCC)的经济援助办公室监督所有申请学生经济援助的申请人的学业进展. 这一规定要求学院建立一个令人满意的学术进步政策,包括进度(定量)和定性的进步措施. In compliance with these regulations, beta365所有州和联邦财政援助资格,学院采用了以下政策. 在每个学期结束时,对令人满意的学术进展进行评估.

Pace (Quantitative) Measures

对学位或证书的持续进展应要求不少于67%的所有尝试课程的成功完成. 这是一项累积要求,将在每个学期结束时进行检查. 未能达到67%累计门槛的学生将受到经济援助警告. If student is already on warning then they will be placed on suspension.

EXAMPLE: To meet the minimum completion rate of 67%, 在JWCC尝试了28个累计学分的学生必须成功完成(获得)这28个小时中的至少19个小时(所有计算都是四舍五入)。.

Qualitative Measure


  1. Up to 19.5 hours of coursework attempted………..1.51
  2. 20.0 – 29.5 hours of coursework attempted……….1.60
  3. 30.0 – 39.5 hours of coursework attempted……….1.75
  4. 40.0 – 49.5 hours of coursework attempted……….1.85
  5. 50.0 or more hours of coursework attempted……..2.00

The maximum attempted hours 一个学生可能获得的资助资格是他/她的专业所需学分的150%. In determining credit hour limits, it is important to note the following:

在完成JWCC课程的过程中,从其他学校转来的学分计入尝试学时和完成学时. 但是,转学学分不包括在你的平均绩点计算中;

If you change majors, 所有专业所修的学分将被计入尝试总学时, the GPA calculation and the maximum timeframe for degree completion.

Pace and Qualitative Considerations


Earned Hours (Grades of A-D), Withdrawal (W, WI, WA, WB), Failure (not a passing grade)(F), Incomplete (I, RD), and Pass/Fail (P/F).

Withdrawal from Courses – If you withdraw (“W/WI” “WA/WB”) from a course during the semester, after the census date, the course credit hours will be added to your attempted credit hours total.

Incomplete Courses – Credit hours for incomplete courses (“I” (incomplete), “RD”(进行中))包括在计算您的尝试学时总数中, but not in the calculation of your GPA. Until updated with grade change they count as 0 points in GPA. 当通过注册办公室提交成绩变更时,GPA计算将更新.

Pass/Fail Courses -及格/不及格课程的学分包括在你的尝试总学分的计算中, but not in the calculation of your GPA.

Remedial Coursework -补习班的学时在确定进度时计入尝试学时. Remedial courses are included in the calculation of GPA. 非学分补习课程被视为转入,并在尝试时数中计算;

Repeat Coursework -在某门课程中成绩低于“C”的学生重修该课程,学时将被加到总学分中. However, 按平均绩点计算,如第二职系高于第一职系,则第一职系不计算平均绩点,并以第二职系代替. Additional repeats are counted in attempted hours and GPA calculations;

If a student fails to earn any credit for the term, he or she will be placed on financial aid warning. When the student next enrolls, if he or she once again fails to earn any credits for the term, he or she will be placed on financial aid suspension.

Evaluation of Academic Records

学业成绩评估将在每个学期结束时进行. 任何学生在当时没有达到令人满意的最低学业进步标准,将被置于经济援助警告. A student is eligible for qualified funding while on warning. 如果在警告期结束时仍未达到令人满意的最低进展标准, 该学生将被暂停经济援助,并且不再获得联邦或州的学生援助.

被暂停经济援助的学生需要支付自己的教育费用. 任何被暂停资助的学生,如有下列任何情况,可向经济援助署署长提出上诉:亲属死亡, an injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances. 所有申诉必须以书面形式填写在学业进展满意申诉表格上. These forms are available in the Financial Aid Office or online here.

如果学生有可能在接下来的学期中达到SAP标准,那么被批准的休学申诉将导致学生在接下来的学期中获得经济援助试用. 试用期只有一个学期,学生有资格获得合格的经济援助. 在试用期结束时,学生必须满足SAP的要求,否则将回到休学状态.

如果学生不符合SAP标准,则批准停课申诉,下一个学期的出勤将制定个人学术计划. 学术计划要求学生满足某些条款和条件. He /she will be eligible for qualified funding for that term/semester. 只要遵循学术计划,他/她将保留获得资助的资格. 指导办公室为所有学生提供具体的学术指导. 任何学术计划的变更必须事先得到财政援助主任的批准.

If an exception is not granted under the appeal process, 学生在修读(自费)不少于6个学时,并以“C”或更高的成绩通过所有尝试学时后,可以申请重新考虑经济援助资格. If the student attempts more than six hours, the student will be evaluated on all attempted credit hours within that term. 所有涉及复议请求的课程必须在beat365平台完成.

财政援助署署长将根据需要考虑SAP政策的例外情况. The decision of the Director is final.